In September 2019, a conference on graphic design for managers and marketers took place in Brno and also in Prague. Originally an intimate event, it required relocation to a larger venue in Prague. The conference was organized by Zdeněk Sládek from Studio Protein, and the main partner was the Union of Graphic Design. The conference was held as part of the Marketing Mix trade fair, organized annually by Omnis Olomouc.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019, from 12 o'clock at Hotel Voroněž opposite the exhibition grounds (the event has already taken place).
Thursday, September 19, 2019, from 12 o'clock at the Artemis Congress Center in Karlín (the event has already taken place).
Participant registration.
Ing. Zdeněk Sládek
Communication Designer and Managing Director, Studio Protein s.r.o., Kladno, UGD Board Member
Self-confidence of People and Design
Confidence is an attribute that attracts. Why is that? Successful people show it through eye contact, an upright posture, and other signs. How to bring confidence into your visual communication? In graphic design, I consciously use equivalent approaches. What are they?
Martin Kušpál (SK)
Creative Director, MAISON D'IDÉE Prague s.r.o.
Why Package Design Still Fascinates Us
More energy often goes into graphic packaging than it might seem at first glance. We will share interesting insights from our creative process, technical issues, and working with clients in this area.
Ing. Martin Novotný
Senior Consultant, GRAFIE CZ, s.r.o., Prague
Paper is Not Outdated
Trends in printing that significantly open up new possibilities for color reproduction of graphics and typography on creative papers. Martin Novotný will present the main advantages of new technologies and their typical examples of use, such as printing creative papers on UV offset presses, tricks in printing on inkjet production machines, and typical products for processing creative papers in laser cutting and burning.
Karel Drašnar
Co-founder and Spiritual Father of the BrandCloud App
Brand in the Center of Attention
What belongs in the brand manual in 2019 and what no longer? Forget rigid rules bound for years in a rut. Visual content sells, agile approach and authenticity are future trends. Remember that part of the identity is the space in which you work and sell, and the people who are on the same boat with you. Customers and employees. And what's next? Business cards are still in vogue, as well as posts and videos on social media. All wrapped up in the cloud. The best tips and tricks from customers and top graphic studios.
Ing. Martina Koláčková
External HR Specialist and Professional in HR,
Graphic Design from an HR Perspective
What role does graphic design play in modern HR? What can graphic design bring to HR professionals and employers? What are the most common mistakes from the perspective of an HR professional.
Jan Řezáč
CEO House of Řezáč, Brno, author of the book 'Web Sharp as a Razor'
The Future of Web Design
Digital design is evolving rapidly. Does it make sense to want a custom website? Don't all websites look the same today? Will artificial intelligence replace web designers? What will web graphics look like in 10 years? And what does Jan Řezáč have to say about it?
Participant registration.
Ing. Zdeněk Sládek
Communication Designer and Managing Director, Studio Protein s.r.o., Kladno, UGD Board Member
Self-confidence of People and Design
Confidence is an attribute that attracts. Why is that? Successful people show it through eye contact, an upright posture, and other signs. How to bring confidence into your visual communication? In graphic design, I consciously use equivalent approaches. What are they?
MgA. Michaela Klihavcová, MgA. Sára Bergmannová, MgA. Tomáš Brychta
Founders of the Reformát Project and Members of Studio Divize, Prague
Reformát & Studio Divize is a group of graphic designers, illustrators, and bookbinders. Their shared creative space in Prague connects a graphic studio, a second-hand stationery store, and a bookbinding workshop. In the presentation, you will learn a lot about combining unconventional materials and graphic design. You will see examples of valuable results of such a connection.
Ing. Martin Novotný
Senior Consultant, GRAFIE CZ, s.r.o., Praha
Papír není pasé
Trendy v polygrafii, které významným způsobem otvírají nové možnosti při barevné reprodukci grafiky a typografie na grafické a kreativní papíry. Martin Novotný bude prezentovat hlavní přednosti nových technologií a jejich typické příklady při využití např. tisku kreativních papírů na UV ofsetovém tisku, vychytávky při tisku na inkoustových produkčních strojích a typické produkty pro zpracování kreativních papírů při laserovém vyřezávání a vypalování.
Lukáš Záleský
vedoucí DTP studia G.P.S., s.r.o., Praha
Rady, tipy a triky pro DTP
Vymýšlím postupy, jak maximálně zefektivnit práci v grafice a DTP. Založil jsem youtube kanál DTP tutorialy CZ. Takže tato prezentace bude hodně praktická. Poradím vám se zasíláním podkladů pro tisk a web, se zpracováním korektur grafiky. Povíme si stručně i o vlastnostech tiskového PDF.
Karel Drašnar
spoluzakladatel a duchovní otec aplikace BrandCloud
Značka ve střed(t)u zájmu
Co do brand manuálu v roce 2019 patří a co už ne? Na rigidní pravidla svázaná roky v šanonu zapomeňte. Vizuální obsah prodává, agilní přístup a autenticita jsou trendy budoucnosti. Nezapomeňte, že součástí identity je i prostor, ve kterém pracujete a prodáváte a lidé, kteří jsou s vámi na stejné palubě. Zákazníci i zaměstnanci. A co dál? Vizitky jsou stále v kurzu stejně jako posty a videa na sociálních sítích. To vše a mnohem víc zabalené do cloudu. Ty nej tipy a triky od zákazníků i špičkových grafických studií.
Martin Kušpál (SK)
Creative Director, MAISON D'IDÉE Prague s.r.o.
Prečo nás ešte stále baví obalový dizajn
Do grafiky obalov ide často viac energie, ako by sa na prvý pohľad mohlo zdať. Priblížime vám zaujímavosti z nášho kreatívneho procesu, technickej problematiky a práce s klientom v oblasti.